Meetings in Hotel K5 Levi

Tunnelmallinen viinikellari Bistro K5:ssä sopii erinomaisesti yksityistilaisuuksiin Levillä.

Host meetings and events in the cozy meeting rooms of Hotel K5 Levi!

Meeting rooms are equipped with presentation techniques and Wi-Fi. Our skilled staff will help you with organizing and running your event or meeting. Make the most out of your meeting with an overnight stay. Hotel K5 Levi is part of Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants which offers conference packages and facilities also in Hotel Levi Panorama and Levi Summit. Contact our Sales Team to find out more.

Our sales team is always happy to help you to plan your next stay, please contact us!
Tel. +358 (0)40 456 2059

Hotel K5 Levillä on kolme kokoustilaa, kuvassa Kassiopeia kokoustila.

Meeting facilities: 


  • Kätkän pesä: 12 persons
  • Kassiopeia, boardroom: 12 persons
  • Akaatti: 60 persons
  • Kvartsiitti: 80 persons
Hotel K5 Levi Kätkän pesä

Kätkän pesä -New Meeting Room at Hotel K5 Levi

We have a new meeting room at Hotel K5 Levi!  Kätkän pesä meeting room is perfect for smaller groups. It is located opposite the reception of Hotel K5 Levi. Kätkän pesä is up to 12 persons.

Reserve you meeting now!

Our Sales Service:
Tel. +358 (0)40 456 2059

Meeting refreshments keep meetings going strong

Restaurant Kätkä is an inviting restaurant catering to every need of your event from meeting refreshments and lunches to dinners.  Enjoy tasty eats and drinks in the atmospheric restaurant or have dinner while organizing an event or meeting at Hotel K5 Levi!

Read more about our restaurants

Valoisa, vaalein sävyin sisustettu on viihtyisä ravintola Bistro K5 palvelee Levin keskustan tuntumassa..
Hotel K5 Levi toimi pienessä sinisessä hotellirakennuksessa Levin matkailukeskuksessa.

Our location in Levi

Hotel K5 Levi is ideally located close to the heart of Levi Fell Village, nestled between Levitunturi and Kätkätunturi fells, only a 15-minute drive from Kittilä airport and an hour from Kolari train station. Cross country skiing tracks, trekking, and snowmobile routes are easily accessible and ski lifts are only 500 meters from the Hotel’s front door.

Contact info:
Kätkänrannantie 2
99130 Levi, FINLAND
+358 40 456 2059

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel

 The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, Joutsenmerkki,  for environmental work was awarded to Hotel K5 Levi and Restaurant Kätkä in early 2024. The label is granted by Ympäristömerkintä Suomi.

Hotel K5 Levi and Restaurant Kätkä are part of the Finnish Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants chain. Read more about our sustainability efforts on Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants’ website.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel of Hotel K5 Levi.

Didn’t find a venue you hoped for? Please take a look of our sister hotel Hotel Levi Panorama’s meeting and event facilities.